Monday, May 27, 2013

preventative maintenance

How often do you go to the doctor? How about get the oil changed in your car? Check the brakes and fluids in your car? It's all preventative maintenance; and you should do the same for your furnace and air conditioner.  A clean, well maintained furnace and air conditioner will not only run more efficiently, but it will also last you longer... unless of course you are interested in replacing your units every few years? I didn't think so!
Spring is a great time of year to have your furnace cleaned and checked.  At the same time, have your A/C done, it will improve it's efficiency, and it is cheaper to have both done at the same time.  Many people wait until fall to clean their furnaces, which is okay, but by doing it in the spring, you (a) beat the rush of everyone who waits until fall; so it's much easier to get an appointment and (b) if a chilly night hits sooner than expected, you are already prepared to turn your furnace on, and you know it's running at it's most efficient, because it has already been cleaned and checked for safety! 

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