Thursday, June 20, 2013

Napoleon furnaces are proudly engineered and made in CANADA for North American winters! They combine energy savings and comfort!
The 9600 series features a two-stage gas valve and a variable speed energy efficient ECM blower motor.  Napoleon's two-stage furnace reduces temperature swings within your home, maintaining a more consistent, comfortable temperature. At up to 96% AFUE, the 9600 Series furnace will operate on low fire for greater efficiency and comfort for most of the heating season.  On colder days, when the first stage cannot satisfy the heating demand, the furnace can automatically switch to the second stage, producing more heat to satisfy demand.  Ultimately, this balancing of the heat production results in quieter operation cycles and less energy being consumed throughout the heating season.  An added benefit is increased comfort due to better balanced temperatures in the home.  Napoleon's EnerSave ECM motor reduces electrical consumption by up to 80% over conventional blower motors!
We installed this Napoleon today- hauled out an old money guzzling oil furnace & tank, and replaced it with this smaller, money SAVING furnace!
We installed this CANADIAN MADE Napoleon 9600 Series Gas furnace with a propane conversion kit into a very happy customer's house yesterday.  This is her first house, and the insurance Company told her she had to remove the oil system that was there, so in went this super energy efficient two-stage variable speed ECM motor Napoleon furnace! Not only is it smaller than the oil system that was there, it will cost far less to heat her home this winter!

Monday, June 17, 2013

We installed a new Roth oil tank on Friday.  This customer was told by his insurance company that he needed to replace his oil tank with a new double bottom one, or they would no longer insure him.  This is starting to be common practice among insurance companies.  As of January 1, 2013, all old or faulty oil tanks are required to replaced with a double bottom tank.  We recommend the Roth Double Wall Tank; it is constructed with an inner tank, which is the primary oil storage tank, and an outer containment tank, which is the secondary containment basin.  The inner tank is made of corrosion proof polyethylene.  The outer containment tank is made of corrosion resistant galvanized steel. The Roth tank comes with a 30 year warranty too. Now that is a quality tank!

Friday, June 14, 2013

The sun is shining... is summer finally on it's way?
Visit to request a quote for a new central air conditioner, or call to have your existing unit cleaned and checked for optimal performance!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Believe it or not, now is the best time to clean your furnace.  It will sit idle during the summer months, cleaned and ready to work in the fall! Cleaning your furnace also boosts it's efficiency.
Call us today to book your cleaning and receive $25 off when you have your furnace cleaned before July 31/13!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


 9200 Series Industry’s First 30,000 BTU Furnace

The smallest cabinet available and the only 30,000 BTU high efficiency, forced air furnace available. Today’s modern homes are being built with the utmost attention to energy savings and in urban areas smaller and more efficient. With these trends at an all time high there is a need for lower BTU furnaces. Even 40,000 BTU’s is too powerful in a home with little heat loss or is under 1000 sq. ft. such as condos or townhouses. The efficiency savings are ultimately being wasted and the life span of the furnace is shortened. Napoleon’s 9200 Series furnaces are the first 30,000 BTU high efficiency gas furnaces ranging to 120,000 BTU’s . Up to 94% AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency). With superior design and engineering these furnaces provide reliable, safe and efficient heat for your home. With 10 models to choose from there is one perfectly fitted for your home.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


We were called to do a quote at a sweet ladies house yesterday, when we arrived, we were told that she had been "shut down" due to a "faulty heat exchanger" by another local HVAC Company.
We had a look at what she needed, took some measurements and told her we would e-mail her the quote later that day.
When we got back to the office, something about the situation bothered us.  She had already had 4 or 5 other Companies in to give her quotes, which didn't bother us
at all, what was bothering me was that I didn't personally check the heat exchanger, nor did any of the other companies that entered her house.
This morning when I came into the office, I called this nice lady, and asked if it would be okay if we came back to take a closer look at her furnace.  She agreed, but said that she hoped we didn't mind if there was another furnace company there at the same time, as she had more quotes coming in.  No problem, doesn't bother us at all.
Here's what we found;
The cover of the furnace had not been taken off at all (and the other company that shut it down supposedly cleaned her furnace? Charged her $200 too!)
We removed the cover and did a thorough inspection of the furnace and the heat exchange unit.  There was NO crack, no severe rust, NOTHING wrong with it!
This lady had been put through the stress of being told she needed to spend close to $6,000 to replace her furnace, or Union Gas would shut off the gas to her home!
We informed her that she did NOT have to replace her furnace, that it was still in good condition.  Did we lose out on a $5,000 sale? Yes.  Do we feel good knowing that we were honest and told this lady the truth, and saved her the stress and the money? You bet!!
In this business, it's not all about the money, it's about being honest, providing good workmanship and keeping our customers happy.  We may have lost a sale today, but we gained a new customer - one that knows when she asks a question, she will get an honest answer.
                                                Moral of the story?
If you are told your heat exchanger is cracked - call for a second opinion.  For some Companies, this is a slow time of year, and they will do anything to get a sale; including telling you your heat exchanger is cracked and you need a new furnace....  if this happens, it is your right to get a second opinion, and you are not required to purchase a furnace from the company that 'shut you down'
Just so you know.....

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Tuesday's Energy Saving Tip;
Proper maintenance of your air conditioner can increase its efficiency by about five per cent! 
Periodically check that the filter in your air conditioner is clean. Disposable filters should be replaced every one or two months.
If you haven't had your A/C cleaned yet - call us! 905-885-8888

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This rain is certainly dampening some summer spirits... but it's just the wet before the heat! The weather is looking hot hot hot for the next few days... it's nice to see people getting their air conditioners cleaned and ready for the heat! Why get your air conditioner cleaned?
The pay off is handsome, both in comfort and in dollars saved.  The payoff: Summertime comfort and lower cooling bills. You'll also prolong the life of your air conditioner.

Monday, May 27, 2013

preventative maintenance

How often do you go to the doctor? How about get the oil changed in your car? Check the brakes and fluids in your car? It's all preventative maintenance; and you should do the same for your furnace and air conditioner.  A clean, well maintained furnace and air conditioner will not only run more efficiently, but it will also last you longer... unless of course you are interested in replacing your units every few years? I didn't think so!
Spring is a great time of year to have your furnace cleaned and checked.  At the same time, have your A/C done, it will improve it's efficiency, and it is cheaper to have both done at the same time.  Many people wait until fall to clean their furnaces, which is okay, but by doing it in the spring, you (a) beat the rush of everyone who waits until fall; so it's much easier to get an appointment and (b) if a chilly night hits sooner than expected, you are already prepared to turn your furnace on, and you know it's running at it's most efficient, because it has already been cleaned and checked for safety! 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Had our door sign installed today! Looks great! Designed and installed by +beyond signs and design

Happy windy Friday

What started out as a cold windy morning has certainly changed into a nice afternoon.  Was definitely a cold and windy day to be doing chimney sweeps! Filled our day today with oil inspections, WETT inspections and some quotes for new systems... all in all, a great Friday @Hoover's Home Energy Inc. Heating and Air Conditioning!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Keeping cool

@Hoover's Home Energy Inc. Heating and Air Conditioning just installed two new Napoleon 13 seer air conditioners today.  Our Cobourg customer will be happy and cool this summer!